State Medical Facilities Plan

The State Medical Facilities Plan ("Plan") is developed by the North Carolina Department of Health and Human ServicesDivision of Health Service Regulation, under the direction of the North Carolina State Health Coordinating Council, (pursuant to G.S. §131E-177 (PDF, 13 KB)) and approved by the governor. Each plan takes effect on January 1st and expires on December 31st.

The State Medical Facilities Plan is available online to view, print, and download. A form to order a printed copy is also available online.

The State Medical Facilities Plan is an annual document that contains policies and methodologies used in determining need for new health care facilities and services in North Carolina. Need Determinations and, where appropriate, Certificate of Need Application Due Dates are listed in each service area chapter. The Plan also contains background information on the North Carolina State Health Coordinating Council,  annual planning cycle, and general policies related to implementing  methodologies.

The major objective of the Plan is to provide individuals, institutions, state and local government agencies, and community leadership with policies and projections of need to guide local planning for specific health care facilities and services. The Plan provides projections of need for the following:

Chapters dealing with specific facility/service categories contain information on the supply and the utilization of each type of facility or service, a description of changes in the projection method and policies from the previous planning year, a description of the projection method, and other data relevant to the projections of need.

The projections of need for the various facilities and services are used in conjunction with other statutes and rules in reviewing certificate of need applications for the establishment, expansion, or conversion of health care facilities and services. The North Carolina State Medical Facilities Plan  is the key resource for all parties interested in health care facility and health services planning.

Determinations of need for services and facilities in the North Carolina State Medical Facilities Plan do not imply an intent on the part of the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Health Benefits to participate in the reimbursement of the cost of care of patients using services and facilities developed in response to these need determinations.