Hospital Facilities Rules

These rules are currently temporary rules which became effective December 1, 2017 and are now proposed for permanent rule adoption. These proposed rule adoptions in 10A NCAC 13B Licensing of Hospitals are in response to a recent act of the General Assembly, Session Law 2017-174, Section 1.(d) Additional Rule-Making Authority, which became effective on July 21, 2017. The intent of this section of the Act is to adopt the recommendations of the American Society of Healthcare Engineering's Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) for hospital facilities. These proposed adoptions incorporate the FGI by reference as the Session Law requires. The purpose of incorporating the FGI in rule is for licensed hospitals in North Carolina to be designed and constructed in compliance with a national standard of practice. Following the national standards will benefit the quality of physical plant safety provided to the citizens of North Carolina in these facilities.