Certifications of Clinics for Abortion Rules
Pursuant to GS 150B-21.3A, Periodic Review and Expiration of Existing Rules, all rules are reviewed at least every 10 years, or they shall expire. As a result of the periodic review of Subchapter 10A NCAC 14E, Certifications of Clinics for Abortion, these three proposed readoption rules were determined as "Necessary With Substantive Public Interest" requiring readoption. Substantive changes have been made to these rules to update construction documents and specifications approval time limits and flammable anesthetics use prohibition to industry standards, to clarify the requirements for medication administration in the clinic including medical record documentation, and to delete unnecessary redundant requirements in one rule because they are addressed in another rule in the Subchapter. In addition, clarifying technical changes have been made to these rules.
- Notification of proposed readoption of rules (PDF, 61 KB)
- Notification of proposed readoption of rules - revised March 19, 2020 (PDF, 63 KB)
- Proposed Effective Date: February 1, 2021
- Public Comment Period: March 16, 2020 - May 15, 2020
Comments may be submitted by:- Email: DHSR.RulesCoordinator@dhhs.nc.gov
- Mail: Nadine Pfeiffer, Division of Health Service Regulation, 809 Ruggles Drive, 2701 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-2701
- Public Hearing:
- Date: April 2, 2020
- Time: 10:00 a.m.
- Teleconference: 1-877-848-7030; Access Code: 5133201
- The fiscal note was approved by:
- OSBM on January 19, 2020
- N.C. DHHS/Director, DHSR on February 12, 2020
- Fiscal Note (PDF, 106 KB)
- Federal Certification required by GS 150B-19.1(g)
- Not applicable for these rules
- The notice of text as approved by the N.C. DHHS/Director, DHSR on February 12, 2020:
- 10A NCAC 14E .0105 (PDF, 74 KB)
- 10A NCAC 14E .0312 (PDF, 78 KB)
- 10A NCAC 14E .0316 (PDF, 73 KB)
- Public Comments
- Technical Changes
- These rules were approved by the Rules Review Commission on January 21, 2021:
- Procedure for subjecting a proposed rule to Legislative Review: If an objection is not resolved prior to the adoption of the rule, a person may also submit written objections to the Rules Review Commission. If the Rules Review Commission receives written and signed objections in accordance with G.S. 150B-21.3(b2) from 10 or more persons clearly requesting review by the legislature and the Rules Review Commission approves the rule, the rule will become effective as provided in G.S. 150B-21.3(b1) . The Commission will receive written objections until 5:00 p.m. on the day following the day the Commission approves the rule. The Commission will receive those objections by mail, delivery service, hand delivery, or facsimile transmission.
- The effective date of these rules is February 1, 2021.
Denotes link to site outside of N.C. DHHS.