The North Carolina State Medical Facilities Plan (SMFP) is an annual document that contains policies and methodologies used in determining need for new health care facilities and services in North Carolina. The plan also contains background information on the North Carolina State Health Coordinating Council (SHCC), on the annual planning cycle, and general policies related to implementing the planning cycle.
The approved plans for current and prior years are available to view, print or download free of charge. If you wish to order a printed copy of the current Plan or Plans for the past two years, please complete the respective order form and submit with your payment. If you wish to purchase a printed copy of earlier Plans, check with Healthcare Planning (919-855-3865) for availability.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that the SMFP is subject to revision throughout the year. Updates and changes will be posted on this page. If bookmarking this site, please remember to periodically check for updates and refresh your browser.
contents and page numbering in the electronic versions of the SMFP are identical to the printed document,
beginning with the 2018 SMFP. The electronic versions of the 2017 and earlier SMFPs are identical in content
to the printed documents, but do not contain page numbers.
SMFPs going back to 2007 are available online.